Sleep Disturbances Increase Susceptibility to COVID-19

Sleep Disturbances Increase Susceptibility to COVID-19
Sleep Disturbances Increase Susceptibility to COVID-19

Sleep forms a part of health. Good sleep enables the body to fight diseases more effectively. Recent research findings have pointed out that poor sleep may be related to increased risk for COVID-19. The individuals who have sleep disorders might experience suppressed immunity, making them more predisposed to the infection.

Research Findings

Researchers have unraveled the link between sleep and COVID-19. A study done in China revealed that sleeping less than six hours per night put one at a higher risk from COVID-19. Another from Europe reported that it increased by 88 percent due to poor sleep. These studies directly imply that quality sleep is very important to protect one from viruses.

Why You Should Care About Sleep

It is for this reason that you need to sleep well, as it helps boost your immune system. When you retire to bed, your body will be able to produce proteins known as cytokines. Such proteins play a very important role in fighting infections. Failure to sleep properly means you will have fewer productions of the cytokines. Thus, your immune response becomes weak; you will easily get virus attacks like COVID-19.

Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety and stress can easily be triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of them are worried about their own health or the health of someone in the family or close to them. This can cause sleep disorders due to such kinds of stress. The most common manifestation that people experience is feeling difficulty sleeping or staying asleep. This engenders a vicious circle. Poor sleep heightens stress, and increased stress further brings qualitative changes in sleep.

Consequences of Sleep Disorders

Certain sleep disorders may further increase the risk factor of COVID-19. One such disorder is sleep apnea, where breathing stops and starts during sleep. It results in a poor quality of sleep, low oxygen levels in the blood, and it also makes the sleeping process poor in quality. Therefore, those experiencing sleep apnea may be at a greater risk for severe COVID-19. Other common sleep disorders include insomnia, whereby falling asleep or staying asleep becomes difficult. Both conditions weaken the immune system.

Better Sleep for Families

Better sleep may provide some protection against COVID-19. Following are some tips on how families can get better sleep:

  1. Stick to a schedule: Same time in bed and wake-up time each day.
  2. Bedtime routine: Before bedtime, engage in calming activities like reading or taking a bath.
  3. Limit screen time: Stay away from screens an hour or more before bedtime. The blue light from the screen disturbs sleep.
  4. Make your bedroom comfortable: Keep it cool, dark, and quiet.
  5. Avoid caffeine and alcohol: This will interfere with your sleep. Try not to consume in the evening.

Seeking Help

If one has sleeping problems, he should seek assistance. Consult with a doctor regarding sleep disorders. They can offer medications and advice. At times, cognitive therapy can be useful. This kind of therapy might teach new sleeping behaviors and relieve anxiety.


Sleep is cardinal for health and immunity. Bad sleep may raise the risk of COVID-19. Sleeping and stress management should be key priorities. With better sleep practices, one can improve the chances of strengthening the immune system to fight infections. Good sleep hygiene, therefore, makes quite a difference in one’s general health and well-being.

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