Prime Minister Narendra Modi has deposited the 16th installment money in the accounts of crores of farmers on 28 February 2024 under the PM Kisan Yojana. Now farmers are waiting for PM Kisan Yojana 18th installment 2024. Under this yojana, installments of Rs 2,000 are released every four months in the farmers’ accounts. Under the PM Kisan Yojana, farmers are getting financial assistance of Rs 6,000 per year.
Government of India has launched various yojanas to encourage Indian marginal farmers in agriculture and help them financially. The most important of these yojanas is the “Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana“ (PM KISAN), which provides financial assistance to farmers.
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana (PM KISAN)
The yojana was launched on 1 February 2019. Under PM-KISAN, eligible farmers will get Rs. 6,000 is given as financial assistance, disbursed in three equal installments. Each installment of Rs. 2,000 is given and this installment is given every four months during the agricultural season.
PM Kisan Yojana Purpose For Farmers
Under this yojana, money is sent directly to the beneficiary’s bank account, which is known as Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT). The main objective of this is to help farmers adopt modern farming methods and reduce their financial burden. Apart from this, under this yojana farmers are also helped for minor needs like purchase of seeds, fertilizers, agricultural implements etc.
17th installment and 18th installment
Prime Minister Narendra Modi released the 17th installment under PM-KISAN on 28 June 2024, through which money was deposited in the accounts of crores of farmers. Now, farmers are waiting for the 18th installment, which is likely to arrive in late June or first week of July. However, an official announcement is yet to be made.
Required work to get 18th installment
For the farmers to get the 18th installment, it is very important to fulfill the following three things:
1. e-KYC
Farmers should first complete their e-KYC. Through e-KYC the government ensures that the beneficiary is genuine and is properly registered. To do e-KYC, farmers can take help of online farmer portal. Apart from this, e-KYC can also be completed by visiting the CAC Centre.
2. Verification of land
If the farmers want to get full benefit of this yojana then it is very important for them to get their land verified. Through land verification, the government ensures that the farmer actually owns the land and is engaged in farming. If the land is not verified, the financial assistance under the yojana may be stopped.
3. Aadhaar-Bank Account Linking
Apart from this, farmers should also ensure that their Aadhaar card is linked with their bank account. Failure to complete the Aadhaar-Bank account linking process may result in delay in remittance of installment amount or investment.
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Importance of PM Kisan Yojana
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana is a ray of hope for millions of farmers in the country. The main objective of this yojana is to provide financial security to small and marginal farmers so that they can get better results in agriculture. This yojana strengthens the economic condition of the farmer and increases the agricultural production capacity.
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana plays a major role in providing financial support to farmers. Through these efforts of the government, the economic condition of the peasantry will improve and they will be able to develop more in the agricultural sector. To get the 17th installment, farmers are required to complete important processes like e-KYC, land verification and Aadhaar-bank account linking.
To make the future of farmers bright and prosperous, it is the need of the hour to expand the scope of this yojana and make its benefits available to more and more farmers. Hence, this information should be communicated to every farmer and encouraged to take advantage of this yojana.
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